The weather we have been having lately has been extremely pleasant. I enjoy the nto too cold, not too warm ncie in between weather, I like being comfortable. This is perfect softball weather. I enjoy not being so hot i drown in my own sweat, but I also hate being cold. I absolutely despise being cold. I think it is miserabel and when it's cold out playing softball is terrible. Everything hurts worse when it is cold, and when it gts below a certain temperature you can't use composite bats because it can break the inside of them. That is very unfortunate, because then you have to use old crappy bats and it makes hitting harder, and if your bat vibrates in your hands it hurts way worse than it would if it were warm. I like summer. I also enjoy swimming. Blue is a good color. I have never done swimming as a competitive sport, but i like to go to public pools or swim at a friends' house sometimes. I enjoy being in the water. I have always liked swimming, ever since I was a kid. Ecology is an interesting subject. For my ecology class in school we recently did a project where we had to build our own biome in a jar in groups of three or four people. In our biome, which was supposed to survive for two weeks, we put a rhinoceros beetle and twelve pill bugs, as well as a partially rotten log, some knapweed and crabgrass, and some moss. We also put wayyyyy too much water in the biome before we sealed it and it ended up growing lots of mold. We are pretty sure the mold took a lot of oxygen because before the mold was growing everything was going great but when we opened it this morning the first sight that greeted us was a dead rhinoceros beetle covered in mold with its legs in the air. The pill bugs were also dead, except for I think one that was kind of moving a little. There was also a tiny worm that was still alive. We are doing the project again bcause most of the class didn't have very good biomes. My group's crabgrass was still partially alive, and our knapweed survived. Well, that's enough about ecology I think. I am fairly sure I've written enough for today, so I'm gonna call it quits on this freewrite. See you later then.
-Ellie Lane
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