I am in my kitchen. I just had a nice monster cookie. My mom makes excellent monster cookies. I don't know if you know what a monster cookie is, but it is a delicious culinary creation made of oatmeal and M&M's, and sometimes extra chocolate chips. My mom and my sister make really good monster cookies. My mom almost always makes them when we have a softball tournament and brings them for me to share with my team.
I went to an FCCLA conference today at Silver Dollar City in Branson. I heard a good speaker while we were there. I don't know his last name, but his first name was Mike. He talked to us about how people's lives behind the scenes are often nothing like we imagine and that you could have no idea what's going on with them just from how they act on the outside. It could have been very depressing given the subject matter, but he included just the right amount of humor and lightheartedness to keep it from getting too dark. He took the matter seriously and encouraged us to do the same, but he didn't bog everyone down with negative thoughts by the end. He talked about how if someone is treated negatively their whole life, they often will fail to see the worth in themselves, and they will often allow others to treat them poorly because they don't place enough value on themselves. He put emphasis on how someone's misbehavior or straying down the wrong path is often due to them trying to cover up or distract themselves from a deeper problem. Overall, I thought it was a very interesting speech and I enjoyed it. Like I said, it could have been a very dark and unpleasant presentation given the subject matter, but he kept it from being so.
I have another test in my online history class this week. I think it will be okay though. I enjoy history and I find it interesting, so this is a fun class for me. I know some people say history is boring and unimportant. Several times, I have heard people at school employ the old line "Well who cares they're all dead anyway" when referring to history, but I think knowing about the past is very important, not to mention fascinating. We have to know how we got where we are, and we have to avoid repeating our mistakes. You can't avoid repeating a mistake if you don't know what your mistake was the first time. I sound like a total geek. But there are far worse things to be, so I am proud of that. I like to learn, so I guess history is a good thing for me. I think that's enough freewriting for now.
Cookies always make the day better. ~Ms. A.