Here we go. Freewriting again. I seem to be getting better at this. I jsut tallk and talk and talk and then soemthing comes to me and I just write about it. sometimes I just tell stories like that one about my geometry teacher that I told last time I freewrote. I liked her. Here's another story about her: on March 14, she made a kind of holiday out of Pi day. She let us bring in food and stuff and we watched a movie. It had to be circular food though, so we had cookies and stuff and it was really good. The movie we watched was kinda weird. It was about shapes that had this weird society. THen one of the shapes met a sphere and a line and a point I think and he was introducted the other dimensions. It was very strange but we all laughed about it in the end. Apparently there was a sequel to that movie, because the kids that were in algebra 1 and geometry last year said they watched the sequel and it was about the shape society again except they had a civil war or something and apparently it was very gory considering it was an animated movie about multicolored shapes. My geometry teacher only stayed at this school one year but the teacher that replaced her showed that sequel. I heard some weird things about that sequel movie. Look at that, I'm already halfway fdown the page. There ain't no cure for the summertime blues. THat song is playing in this classroom right now. I think 9/11 was a very tragic event. It certainly sparked a very big change in airport security. One of my teachers told us that before 9/11, in the 70's and 80's especially, plane hijackings were very common and happened all the time. He said they really weren't a big deal back then, and they were hardly ever dangerous. I just can't understand what would make someone want to kill that many pepople or do something that horrible. I just don't get it. I'm going to write about something else now. I am reading this book series right now called "The Testing" and it is pretty good, but it is very similar to "The Hunger Games." They are both set in post-apocalyptic societies, and both have very controlling governments and a brutal event that some of their young people have to go through. Both have a stong female main character. Both have a boy from the girl's hometown that goes through the event with her and they end up falling in love. I think the stories are both good though. I just think they are very similar. Look at that, I am about done. That went quickly. Well I guess that's all for now.
-Ellie Lane
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